About Pandit Ji

About Guruji
About Pandit Ji
Pandit Vijay Joshi ji: A Renowned Name
Pandit Vijay Joshi Ji is a renowned name in many parts of the Ujjain and Madhya Pradesh. There are a great number of followers of him those are quite educated and are placed in top positions of their concerned sector. Apart from India, followers come to him seeking solutions from the nations like US, UK, UAE, Canada, Russia, Japan, etc. Pandit Vijay Joshi Ji is also quite popular as Panditji for performing various kinds of pujas and yajnas.He is a master in predicting horoscope/rashifal. His calculations are considered biddable, the flawless, when it comes about calculating through janampatri or janamptrikas.However, panditji is having a great number of fan bases about love related issues and various problems faced by individuals. There are many happy faces you will see today through Pandit Ji’s effort, those used to be quite tensed about their respective problems faced in this cycle of life.
Pandit Vijay Joshi Ji is an expert in puja shanti, hawan navgraha shanti, maanglik dosha nivaran special puja, bhaat puja ,angarak dosha nivaran mangal puja, mritunajay jaap anusthan, sampurna rudraabhisekh, laghu rudra shivmahimna stor abhisekh, navgraha shanti, rahu-sani at ujjain mp horoscope reading, prashna kundli, yantra guidance.